Tarot Today
Ever feel uncertain about a choice that you have to make? Today I am facing a decision that will cost time and money.... Should I sign up for a 4 day workshop that I am not certain will be fruitful for me? (deadline is today)
I turned to my Alchemical Tarot Cards for guidance, and laid out a simple three card spread.... card 1, card 2, card 3. Here are the cards that I picked randomly form the deck.
Here are the cards that I picked randomly from the deck, and the meaning of the images.
1) The first card. It's in the place that represents the nature of the sitiuation - what's going on?
This is the 8 of Coins, showing a craftsman laboring to create wealth, but the coins are all the same. There is a repetitiveness and a lack of creativity in his work.This is a warning for me not to get caught in a cycle of repetitive negative thinking that could influence me to make choices from fear rather than from creativity.
2) The second card. It's in the place that will reveal my attitudes towards the situation - my agenda and beliefs.This is the Ace of Coins, and shows a rabbit on fertile ground with with large coin at her back. The rabbit has all the tools she needs for success.This is telling me that I make good decisions, that I have all the tools necessary, and I would be wise for me to keep up energy my positive attitude when making choices.
3. The third card. It's in the place that will reveal why this choice is important in my life, and give clues as to what is being resolved. This is the 2 of Vessels, and shows a man and a woman in partnership, with a perfect rose, a symbol of love, arising from vapor of their union. The pair are lovers, but image is a metaphor for all partnerships. This card is showing me and that I should look fora harmonious partnerships to bring forth the roses in my life.
Reflection on the questions posed to the cards:
Q: Do the workshop/or not?
A: The cards assure me that I have the resources required, and that it is through partnership that my creativity will flourish and blossom. Wow, good enough for me!
I will sign up for that workshop.
Please, give me a shout out and let me know if you enjoyed this quick spread, and would like to see more of this , 5 or 8 card spreads.
ou can also try posing a question in your own mind, and then look at these three cards to see what wisdom comes up for you. After all, you "picked" this site, and "picked" blog, and "picked" this post.
That's 3 picks for you too!